Category: What we do

Sensory Integration Occupational Therapy

Sensory Integration Therapy (SI) Sensory Processing Disorder: Sensory processing is an internal process of the nervous system which helps us receive, organize and understand sensory information from both the environment (auditory and visual input as well as taste and smell) and from within our bodies (touch, movement and joint Receptors).To put in simple words: to […]

Specialized Program

Chaitanya works on the foundation skills in order to be successful in life such as sensory processing skills, visual perceptual skills, motor skills, communication, self-help skills like eating and social interaction skills, academics and a lot more. Chaitanya provides a set of skills required for everyday activities which can help kids to be independent. We […]

Handwriting Improvement Classes

When to seek help: Messy handwriting Poorly controlled writing Experiencing pain while writing Written words can’t be readout Pressing too hard while writing Very slow writing Writing very fast Reluctant to write Gives up writing too easily Dysgraphia: Difficulty in writing How to identify Dysgraphia Difficulty in shape-discrimination and letter spacing Trouble in organizing words […]

Social Communication Intervention

Social skills are the skills we use to communicate and interact with each other, both verbally and non-verbally, through gestures, body language and our personal appearance. Social communication skills refer to all of the skills we need when using language to communicate and engage in conversations with other. Social communication encompasses the following skills: Using […]

Developmental Delay Centre Chennai

Developmental Delay Treatment

Developmental delay is a term used when a child is developing skills more slowly than other children in the same age group in the areas of speech and language, motor skills, self-help, play and problem-solving. When more than one area of development is affected, the term Global Development Delay may be used. Children with developmental delay […]

ADHD Therapy

Hyperactive Child Treatment Centre In Chennai  Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder COMMON CLASSROOM PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH ADHD Being frequently out of the seat at inappropriate times and in inappropriate situations Different from what the rest of the class is supposed to be doing Not following the teacher’s or other supervising adult’s instructions Talking out of turn […]

Autism Therapy In Chennai

Best Autism Doctor In Chennai Early Identification of Autism The following delays deserve a speedy evaluation. By 6 months: If there is no big smile or other delighted expressions By 9 months: No back-and-forth sharing of sounds, smiles, or other facial expressions By 12 months: If your child does not respond to names By 12 […]

Special Education Center

Special Education Centre In Chennai Chaitanya helps as an effective remediation/intervention program for students in grades1 -5. We will exactly identify kids’ strengths and weaknesses and provide targeted handling of prerequisite skills. Through personalized instruction, Chaitanya fills in any knowledge gaps, while enabling immediate success in learning new material. We periodically reassess students to ensure […]

Speech Therapy

SPEECH THERAPY TREATMENT/INTERVENTION RECEPTIVE LANGUAGE (UNDERSTANDING LANGUAGE) What is Receptive language? Receptive language means understanding symbolic meaning. Simply put, instances like: Dad holding his keys means that we are going out Red light means stop Siren means ambulance Everybody sits over dining table means that we are going to have food Waiting for my turn […]

Occupational Therapy Centre In Chennai

Best Occupational Therapist in Chennai Occupational Therapy Intervention (OT) Children with developmental delays are often present with MILESTONE delays (skills underachieved for his/her age) and deficits that can lead to an occupational therapy evaluation. Some of those delays are in fine motor skills, gross motor skills, sensory processing abilities, balance and coordination, weakened core, poor […]