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Chaitanya Therapy Centre

Early intervention is so important

Early attention to taming the core behavioral symptoms of special kids will give your child and the rest of the family numerous important benefits that you will not gain if you take a wait-and-see approach until your child enters school at age four or five. The path ahead is going to be bumpy. There will be intervals when your child’s progress may stall or takes an unpredicted turn and when it does, try to remind yourself that these are speed bumps and not roadblocks. Try taking them one at a time. It is very vital that you start now.
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For Children


For Adults

Why Choose Us

Make an Impact at Any Age of a Child


Unique Way of Occupational Therapy

Tailor Made

Unseen Features of Speech Therapy

Expert Advice and

Research and


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What we do

Speech Therapy

Receptive language means understanding symbolic meaning. Simply put, instances like: Dad holding his keys means that we are going out

What we do

Special Education Center

Chaitanya helps as an effective remediation/intervention program for students in grades 1-5. We will exactly identify kids’ strengths and weaknesses

Developmental Delay Centre In Chennai
What we do

Developmental Delay Treatment

Developmental delay is a term used when a child is developing skills more slowly than other children in the same age group in the areas of speech and language

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Ready to Start Your Journey On Improving Your Speech & Articulation?

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