Sensory Integration Occupational Therapy

Sensory Processing Disorder:

Sensory processing is an internal process of the nervous system which helps us receive, organize and understand sensory information from both the environment (auditory and visual input as well as taste and smell) and from within our bodies (touch, movement and joint Receptors).To put in simple words: to identify a toy car: the color, size, function etc. are needed to be recognized. Efficient sensory processing enables us to participate fully in everyday activities and respond to environmental demands and adequately engage in our daily routines and roles.
Sensory Integration Occupational Therapy
There are a lot of variations when it comes to sensory processing one being more attracted to things and the second being exactly opposite –avoiding any object, third being sensitive where they are not totally inclined but can accept a little ( for example: it’s okay if there is sound but when it is intense, the child cannot handle). That is:
Sensory Seeking

Sensory Seeking

e.g. may be on the move touching everything

Sensory Avoiding

Sensory Avoiding

e.g. may seem withdrawn, reluctant to move, climb, etc., avoid touching things, getting messy, etc.

Sensory Sensitivity

Sensory Sensitivity

e.g. oversensitive to sound and/or touch, and easily irritated

Sensory Integration Therapy Chennai

Vestibular processing skill (Balance)

Therefore, to bring a child to balance on its own requires bringing in awareness of the body. A child might walk comfortably in the ground but when he/she has to stand on a stair/ play a see-saw in the park then they will very afraid and would try to avoid that situation.

Inadequate sensory processing of vestibular input

A disturbance in the sensory processing leads to hindrances in performing the functions efficiently. There are certain clues through which the inadequacy can be identified. We need to understand that they are two different sets in every input avoiding and seeking.

How do we identify

First, let’s look at -Sensory avoiding:

Child avoids activities that include strong movement experiences. Such as hanging upside down on a monkey bar, lying back on a piece of equipment that rocks or it is otherwise unstable. A child who needs to hop, step on a swing to sit on it will clearly avoid it.

Next, Sensory seeking:

A child continues to seek the activities which involve extra movement (for example; a child might prefer to sit on a swing rather than a chair) as an effort to “fuel” their brain with meaningful information.
Sensory Integration Therapy Chennai

Touch processing skill:

When the child is seeking touch:

Auditory Processing:

Auditory processing is an important foundation for the development of language skills and plays an important role in classroom performance and peer relationships.
Sensory Integration Therapy Chennai

How it can be identified?

Sensory Integration Therapy/Treatment Intervention

How does Therapy help?

Therapy strategies for sensation avoiding

Therapy strategies for sensation seeking

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