Language Developmental Checklist

Self Questionnaire

Language Developmental Checklist

Child should attain the following checkpoints at this age group,
  • Attending to sounds and voices
  • Recognizing facial expressions and tones of voice
  • Responding to familiar requests
If found any delay with your child, please feel free to submit the below given form to get professional assistance.
Child should attain the following checkpoints at this age group,
  • Understands gestures
  • Understands simple questions
  • Babbling
  • Taking turns vocalising with others
  • Recognises the names of few objects
  • Responds to familiar requests
  • Responds to own name
  • Turn taking in vocalising
  • Understands simple questions
  • Following simple instructions
If found any delay with your child, please feel free to submit the below given form to get professional assistance.
Child should attain the following checkpoints at this age group,
  • Comprehends approx. 50 words
  • Comprehends one key word in a sentence (eg: where’s your nose?)
  • Says some simple first words
  • Points to common objects when named
  • By two years, 50-100 words approx. repertoire
  • Joins two words to speak
  • Follows simple instructions
  • Follows simple 2 step instructions
  • Points to main body parts, cloths, toys or food when named
  • Comprehends and asks ‘what’ and `where’ questions
  • Comprehends size concepts
  • Comprehends quantity concepts 1 and 2
  • Names actions
If found any delay with your child, please feel free to submit the below given form to get professional assistance.
Child should attain the following checkpoints at this age group,
  • 50-100 words in expressive vocabulary
  • 2-3 word long sentences usage
  • Talks about present events
  • Uses regular plurals
  • Uses articles ‘a’ and ‘the’
  • Uses progressive tense forms —ing
  • Uses pronouns: you, me, I, mine
  • Uses regular past tense
  • Uses possessives
  • Follows 3 step instructions (eg: point to the cat, dog and monkey)
  • Understands longer and more complex sentences
  • Understands what, where, who questions
  • Comprehends prepositions
  • Comprehends more size and quantity concepts (eg: 1-3, every, none)
  • Comprehends concepts — stop, start, go, hot, cold, heavy, slow etc and many colours
  • Asks what, where, why, when and how questions
  • Uses 3-4 word long sentences
If found any delay with your child, please feel free to submit the below given form to get professional assistance.
Child should attain the following checkpoints at this age group,
  • Tells you-what they are doing
  • Tells the function and use of an object
  • Expressive vocabulary of 1500 words by 4 years
  • Uses pronouns such as he, she
  • Uses regular past tense
  • Uses 3rd person singular (eg: rabbit eats grass)
  • Uses contracted negative (eg: isn’t, haven’t etc)
  • Uses past participle (eg: it’s broken)
  • Follows meaning of others conversation
  • Comprehends concepts such as same, different
  • Asks for meaning of unfamiliar words
If found any delay with your child, please feel free to submit the below given form to get professional assistance.
Child should attain the following checkpoints at this age group,
  • Understands shapes
  • Simple categorisation
  • Understands -> in front, in a line, corner, middle etc
  • Comprehends time concepts such as yesterday, today, tomorrow, morning, noon, later
  • Uses complex sentences
  • Engages in imaginary play
If found any delay with your child, please feel free to submit the below given form to get professional assistance.
Child should attain the following checkpoints at this age group,
  • Talks about past and future events
  • Uses adverbly (eg: slowly, quietly)
  • Uses irregular plurals
  • Uses irregular past tense
  • Comprehends left and right
  • Comprehends seasons, time of day
  • Feature description of objects
  • Uses his, hers, theirs
  • Uses comparatives (bigger) and superlatives (biggest)
  • Understands difference between reality and fantasy
  • Makes predictions, justifies decisions, provides solutions gives explanations
If found any delay with your child, please feel free to submit the below given form to get professional assistance.
Child should attain the following checkpoints at this age group,
  • Gives short oral reports
  • Higher level usage of language, such as jokes, sarcasm, arguing, explains complex situations
  • Talks about past events or movies in detail
  • Writes descriptive paragraphs and stories
  • Uses appropriate grammar
  • Makes predictions, justifies decisions, provides solutions and explanations
If found any delay with your child, please feel free to submit the below given form to get professional assistance.
Child should attain the following checkpoints at this age group,
  • Listens for a sustained period of time
  • Asks questions to clarify information
  • Problem solving
  • Expresses opinion
  • Retelling both imaginary and real events
  • Uses appropriate grammar in speech as well as written work
If found any delay with your child, please feel free to submit the below given form to get professional assistance.
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