Developmental Delay Centre In Chennai

Developmental Delay Treatments

Children with developmental delays are often present with MILESTONE delays (skills underachieved for his/her age) and deficits that can lead to an occupational therapy evaluation.

Sensory Integration Occupational Therapy

Sensory Integration Occupational Therapy

Children with developmental delays are often present with MILESTONE delays (skills underachieved for his/her age) and deficits that can lead to an occupational therapy evaluation.

Child Development Centre In Chennai

Child Development Centre in Chennai

Children with developmental delays are often present with MILESTONE delays (skills underachieved for his/her age) and deficits that can lead to an occupational therapy evaluation.

Best Speech Therapist In Chennai
What we do

Speech Therapy

Receptive language means understanding symbolic meaning. Simply put, instances like: Dad holding his keys means that we are going out

Special Education Center
What we do

Special Education Center

Chaitanya helps as an effective remediation/intervention program for students in grades 1-5. We will exactly identify kids’ strengths and weaknesses

Developmental Delay Centre In Chennai
What we do

Developmental Delay Treatment

Developmental delay is a term used when a child is developing skills more slowly than other children in the same age group in the areas of speech and language

Specialized Program
What we do

Specialized Program

Chaitanya works on the foundation skills in order to be successful in life such as sensory processing skills, visual perceptual skills, motor skills

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